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When entering the delivery room, why do you need to prepare a puerperium nursing pad?

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Nursing pad, which is a disposable sanitary product made of PE film, non-woven fabric, fluff pulp, polymer and other materials, is mainly used for hospital operations, gynecological examinations, maternity care, child care, paralyzed patients with incontinence , Women use during menstruation.

When pregnant mothers give birth or just after giving birth, the birth canal is in an open state, the resistance will also decrease, and infection is very prone to occur. The puerperium nursing pad is developed for the special physiological state of the puerpera. In terms of material and design, the needs of puerpera are fully considered, and medical-grade sterilization technology is used to prevent clinical problems that may occur during the puerperium. It is a necessary personal product for puerperium.

A. Used for skin preparation/disinfection

Before the pregnant mother gives birth, the doctor will prepare and disinfect the skin of the parturient. Disinfectant will be used for disinfection in this process, so puerperal care pads must be placed under the puerpera in advance to prevent excess disinfectant from contaminating the bed.

B. Used during birth canal examination

The pregnant mother is not going to give birth immediately after the uterine contraction starts. Before that, the doctor will conduct some necessary examinations on the parturient, that is, "internal examination", also called the birth canal examination, and it is also necessary to lay a puerperium nursing pad Hygienic isolation.

C. Used during production

With the smooth delivery of the fetus, all the amniotic fluid in the uterus will flow out. In order to ensure the sanitation of the mother and the site environment, the doctor will place a puerperium nursing pad in advance to collect the amniotic fluid.

D. Postpartum cleaning private parts use

Regardless of whether the mother chooses a natural delivery or a caesarean section, during the postpartum hospitalization period, the doctor will clean the private parts of the mother with disinfectant once a day. It is also necessary to put a puerperium nursing pad under the mother in advance to prevent excess disinfectant from polluting the bed.

E. Use during lochia row period

Immediately after childbirth, the parturient will experience a lochia period of 2-4 weeks. During the recovery period of the uterus, the private parts will continue to secrete a mixture of intrauterine blood, mucosal tissue, mucus, etc., which is called lochia. During this period, even if the mother uses sanitary napkins and other products, it is inevitable that the bed and bedding will be soiled, which will not only embarrass herself, but also increase the workload of the family. Putting on a puerperium nursing pad can avoid this trouble.

F. For newborn babies

Newborn babies excrete very frequently. When changing diapers, mothers can put the puerperium care pad under the baby to prevent infection and effectively prevent the bed sheets from being soiled.

G. Female menstrual period use

During the menstrual period, use it with sanitary napkins, put the puerperium nursing pads outside the sanitary napkins, or lay them flat on the bed to prevent residual "side leakage and back leakage".

H. Bedridden patient use

For people like bedridden patients who cannot take care of their own urination and defecation, the puerperium nursing pad can play its role better, and can effectively prevent the bed sheets and bedding from being soiled by defecation.

As a maternity personal product, it is recommended that everyone choose a high-quality puerperium care brand for purchase and backup